helps new investors add cryptocurrency into their investment portfolio. The crypto world is complex. Knowing where to buy, how much to invest and what has good yields ⸺ becomes a new art.

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Do you know BitTorrent token?
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Do you know BitTorrent token?

06 Mar 2022 Discover

BitTorrent is the largest file sharing protocol, based on decentralized network, and invented way before Bitcoin. It is fair to say the protocol and their... Earn will cap and reduce interest rate in April
Read More Earn will cap and reduce interest rate in April

05 Mar 2022 News has been my top recommendation for anyone starting out with crypto investment. This is because their Earn programme has the highest interest rate for...

How to wormhole from Solana to Terra
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How to wormhole from Solana to Terra

26 Feb 2022 Guide

This is a guide on how you can use a bridge to move tokens from a blockchain to another. Specifically, I will show how I...

$11B Ethereum DAO hacker has been identified
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$11B Ethereum DAO hacker has been identified

23 Feb 2022 Heists

Ethereum biggest hack was in 2016, where 3.6 million ETH was stolen (now worth $11 billion)! But the blockchain took a hard fork, creating Ethereum...

Terra Lending Protocol - Mars is launching
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Terra Lending Protocol - Mars is launching

22 Feb 2022 Discover

Mars is another pillar of Terra ecosystem. Recently I wrote about Anchor, the savings protocol that yields a stable 20%! To be a complete financial...

Steps to staking Solana natively
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Steps to staking Solana natively

15 Feb 2022 Guide

This is a step-by-step guide on how you can stake Solana natively, via Solflare, and achieve a return of ~6.67%. Previously, I shared how you...

Adding $450M to Anchor Yield Reserve
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Adding $450M to Anchor Yield Reserve

09 Feb 2022 Defi

In the last post, I introduced Anchor Protocol and their savings interest rate of 20%! A key discussion is on the Yield Reserve, which will...

An Introduction to Liquidity Pool Farming
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An Introduction to Liquidity Pool Farming

09 Feb 2022 Defi

Liquidity Pool is a big part of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) with very high yields ranging from 10-300%. A good and stable pool would be around...

Hacker stolen $320M from Wormhole exploit
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Hacker stolen $320M from Wormhole exploit

05 Feb 2022 Heists

A hacker has recently stolen 120,000 ETH (worth $320 million) from Wormhole, which is a bridge between different blockchains. Specifically, the ETH was stolen between...

Guide to bank transfer fiat USD to FTX
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Guide to bank transfer fiat USD to FTX

04 Feb 2022 Guide

Transferring fiat currency to FTX is one of the ways you can get money into the crypto exchange. It is usually cheaper to do bank...